Sunday Service

Our Sunday Service starts at 2:00PM at the Music Valley, 1 Main St, Point Cook VIC 3030 (click to reveal map). Entry door on Main st, is under the orange C7 sign, either up the stairs or elevator to the first level. Our friendly and hospitable team are always there to welcome you. If you need any assistance or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us

Children in our church:

All children are welcome to sit in our services or to join in the Sunday school program. We have a dedicated team who are committed to minister to our children with various Bible teaching and age-appropriate activities. If you require any assistance, please come and speak to Leadership

Praise and worship

Praise and worship

Each service begins with a time of praise and worship. The time of gathering together to sing to the Lord is a great privilege and a very special time of rich blessing. Our emphasis during this time is not lights and entertainment, but that each word would be the cry of our heart and that God would be glorified! (Ps 150)



Corporate Prayer every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm and Sundays before the service. “Let’s pray” are words you will often hear at Harvest, because we know that prayer is the key to a fruitful gospel ministry in God’s kingdom! God is the Lord of the harvest. (Matt 9:38)



We share communion on the first Sunday of each month. Every believer is encouraged to take part in sharing the bread and the cup, which are symbolic of Jesus broken body and His blood that was shed on the cross for the sins of the world. (1 Cor 11:23-26)



Each message is an expository sermon where God’s living word is opened up. During the sermon we expect to be challenged and at the same time find reassurance of God’s love for us as we grow in our understanding and knowledge of Him. The gospel is “the power of God for salvation for all who believe…” (Rom 1:16) The Bible, (Old Testament and the New Testament) is the living word of the living God, and it has the power to speak into our lives today!



We are not a church that is driven by money! However, we do recognise that we simply cannot operate as a church without this resource. We believe that “each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion” (2 Cor 9:7) As a church we are accountable to the Lord. We understand that we must be good stewards with all that He has entrusted into our hands, using it for His kingdom glory!



The time after the formal service is a time of rich blessing where we gather together to share afternoon tea and some light refreshments. It is a precious time where we can get to know one another better and enjoy our unique community as the body of Christ.